In-Home Hospice Care Services - Aftercare

After your pet has passed on, many aftercare options from which to choose exist. Below is a list of choices and important information to consider for each:


Your pet’s body is cremated individually at our partnered crematory facility, Allied Cremation. Your pet's ashes are returned to you in a wooden urn.

Allied Cremation offers many additional options that you can select as special keepsakes in rememberance of your pet. For more information, please visit Allied Cremation's Shop.

Common Cremation

Your pet's body is cremated with other pets and you would not receive any of their ashes returned to you.

A portion of the communal remains is buried in the Keystone Pet Cemetery each year with a memorial headstone. To learn more about this, please visit Allied Cremation.


You may be able to bury your pet at your home, provided local regulations are followed. Some people also choose to arrange for burial at a pet cemetery.

To learn more about following the proper regulations for at-home burials, please reference our At Home Burial Guidelines.