In-Home Hospice Care Services

We are very grateful and humbled to announce that as of May 6th, 2024, we are offering in-home quality of life and hospice care services to pet families in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and West Virginia. These services are being offered to families, regardless of their preferred veterinary provider.

Dr. Morgan Elser has joined our team and is offering the following services to pet families effective:

Telehospice Sessions (over the phone or through video conference) o Quality of Life evaluations o Education about the end-stage disease process o Symptom management o Education with home medical treatments
In-Home Services o Pain recognition and treatment o Environmental recommendations o Mobility support o Assistance with home medical treatments (administering medications, expressing bladder, etc.) o Natural death support (pain and symptom management) o Euthanasia support
These services are being offered during our normal business hours, Monday thru Friday from 8am to 6pm, and Saturdays from 9am to 12pm.

If you feel you are in need of these services, please call our office at 717-762-0221 to schedule.